Waste Management
Waste and Recycling Program
Chautauqua Institution’s waste and recycling program includes:
- Collection of compostable yard and kitchen waste by Chautauqua Institution’s Buildings and Grounds department including the removal of leaves in the fall.
- Pickup of landfill waste and recycling is contracted to a private waste disposal company.
- Yard trimmings and brush pickup is handled by Chautauqua Institution’s Buildings and Grounds department.
- Household and landscape material pickup is done during Chautauqua Institution’s Community Clean-up Days.
- Hazardous household waste drop-off days are sponsored by Chautauqua County, which hosts three events per year.
Community Compost Program
Did you know that 60% of the waste stream is compostable?
Our community composting program turns collected kitchen scraps and ground leaves into nutrient-rich compost. Our composting area is located off the grounds and uses controlled piling methods to create a valuable and sustainable resource.
The finished compost is incorporated into our gardens and landscapes throughout the grounds by our Gardens and Landscapes team.
How to Participate in the Community Compost Program
Our compost program is open to all on-grounds residents and businesses.
It’s simple: Put your compostable kitchen food scrap in our complimentary green compost bag and deposit the bag in designated bin. To ensure eco-friendly bags are used, we only accept compost in our green compost bags.
You Can Compost These Kitchen Scraps
- Coffee grounds and filters
- Eggshells (but not eggs)
- Fruit and vegetable peels (remove stickers)
- Nutshells
- Pasta
- Rice
- Salads
- Spoiled or moldy fruits and vegetables
- Tea bags (plastic free only)
We Cannot Compost These Kitchen Scraps
The controlled piling method of composting used at our compost area does not guarantee the heat needed to safely break down these kitchen scraps. We do not compost:
- All meat, fish, eggs (raw or cooked)
- Bones
- Dairy products
- Oils, Fats and Grease
These items also should not be included in your compost bag:
- Dirt
- Pet waste
- Plastic
- Wood, Cardboard, Paper
Contaminates in the compost stream reduces the use of the final product. If a bag of compostable waste contains items other than the kitchen food scraps listed above, it will be redirected for landfill waste.
Compost Bag and Collection Station Locations
Compost Stations (compost bag and compost collection bin):
- Behind Transportation Office Building, near the Massey Avenue Farmers Market
- Behind Bellinger Hall (Dining Hall area)
- The Overlook Condo parking lot on Bryant Avenue
Compost bags are also available at on Bestor Plaza at: Chautauqua Bookstore, Plaza Market

Composting vs. Garbage Disposal
There are no environmental benefits to using a garbage disposal. Disposing of food waste this way requires extra water and puts an additional strain on the Chautauqua Utility District (CUD) Sewer Treatment Plant. Participating in the community compost program is a better alternative environmentally and economically.
Landfill Waste
Our landfill waste collection is contracted to a private waste disposal company.
We do not provide landfill waste containers. Landfill waste collection options for on-grounds residents include:
During the nine-week Summer Assembly:
- Mondays and Thursdays: Residents north of Vincent Avenue.
- Tuesdays and Fridays: Residents south of Vincent Avenue.
- Any Day: On-grounds residents can take landfill waste to the dumpster in the rear of the Green Lot. Use Main Lot entrance.
The trash container(s) must be visible from the street by 7 a.m.
Before or after the nine-week Summer Assembly:
- Mondays: For all residents.
- Monday to Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. take landfill waste to the dumpster in the rear of the Green Lot. Use Route 33 entrance.
- If collection day falls on a major holiday, collection will be on the next business day.
The trash container(s) must be set out at the curbside by 7 a.m. for pickup.
Other Collection Option: On-grounds residents can take their landfill waste to:
- The Mayville Waste Management and Recycling Center at 96 Morris Street. Waste must be in the municipality trash bag, which can be purchased at the Center. Hours are Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
What can go in your landfill waste container?
- Normal household waste.
- Ashes or sawdust, thoroughly wet.
- Broken glass wrapped securely in multiple layers of newspaper.
- Animal waste wrapped in newspaper or plastic bags.
- Five gallon or smaller hazardous materials containers that are empty and dry.
- Water-based (Latex) paint must be dried with sand or kitty-litter. When completely dry, you can then include it with rest of your household waste (garbage). (Oil-based paint can only be accepted at a Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off event.)
What cannot go in the landfill waste container?
For the disposal of landfill waste which we do not collect, contact Chautauqua County Landfill at 716-985-4785 or visit chqgov.com/landfill/landfill.
Any item in the following list with the * indicator cannot go in the landfill waste container; however, it can be set out during Community Household Waste Clean-up Days.
Batteries: Boat, Cycle, Lawn Mower, Vehicle, Power-Tool: Recycle these at retail store where such batteries are sold.
Construction Waste: Including demolition waste. For example: dirt, rocks, tree trunks, treated lumber, carpets or large scraps.
Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs) & Mercury: Many retailers who sell CFLs will provide drop-off recycling services. Alternatively, bring them to a Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off event.
Electronic Waste: Computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products.
Household Hazardous Waste: For example, household cleaners, electronics, propane tank, toxic chemicals (anti-freeze, insecticides, solvents, acids, pool chemicals), flammable liquids.
Household Large Items: For example, box springs*, mattresses*, sleeper sofas, sofas.
Household White Goods: For example, refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, unit air conditioners, washing machines, clothes dryers. Includes any item containing, or that once contained, freon gas.
Liquid Paint:
- Oil-based paint is accepted at a Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off event.
- Water-based (Latex) paint should be dried with sand or kitty-litter. When completely dry, you can then include it with rest of your landfill waste.
Plastic Bags: Recycle plastic grocery bags at a local grocery store.
Sharp Items: Including needles, syringes, lancets, and other self-injection devices.
Vehicle Waste: Tires, motor oil (check with a local service station for disposal information).
Recycling is collected weekly.
We do not provide recycling containers. Our recycling collection is contracted to a private recycling collection company.
No need to sort your recyclables; our contractor provides zero-sort recycling. Set out your mixed recycling in a hard-sided container. We do not collect recyclables that are in a plastic bag; they look too much like trash at the recycling plant. Be sure to also check out our Community Compost Program.
On-grounds recycling collection options include:
During the nine-week Summer Assembly:
- Wednesdays: All residents
- Any Day: On-grounds residents can take recycling to the dumpster in the rear of the Green Lot. Use Main Lot entrance.
- The recycling container(s) must be visible from the street by 7 a.m. Placement at curbside is appreciated.
Before or after the nine-week Summer Assembly:
- Mondays: All residents
- Monday to Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. take recycling to the dumpster in the rear of the Green Lot. Use Route 33 entrance.
- If collection day falls on a major holiday, collection will be on the next business day.
The recycling container(s) must be set out at the curbside by 7 a.m. for pickup.
Recycling Tip: Anything smaller than 2” x 2” will fall through the sorting equipment and cannot be recycled. These items should go in the trash. Caps are OK if you twist them back onto the container.
What can be in your recycling container?
For example: plastic drink bottles, milk jugs, yogurt cups, tubs and lids, shampoo bottles
Recycle Better tips: Rinse out containers to remove as much of the food residue as possible. This ensures the item remains in the recycling stream instead of being sent to the landfill because of food residue. To save room in your container, gently squish plastic bottles. Put the caps back on, discard pumps on bottles. No bags or other plastics, please!
For example: office paper, newspaper, paper bags, magazines, mail
Recycle Better tips: Everything should be clean and dry. Staples and envelope windows are OK. No books please! We suggest you donate them instead.
For example: beer bottles, other beverage bottles, pickle jars
Recycle Better tips: All containers must be empty, clean and dry. No Pyrex, ceramics, or window glass, please! Broken items belong in the landfill trash; donate unbroken items.
For example: soda and beer cans, soup and vegetable cans, aluminum foil
Recycle Better tips: All must be empty, clean and dry. Ball up your clean foil. No miscellaneous scrap metal items, please!
For example: shipping boxes, cereal boxes, egg cartons, paper towel and toilet paper rolls
Recycle Better tips: Flatten the boxes to save room in your bin. Make sure everything is clean and dry. Throw away cardboard with a waxy coating.
What does not belong in your recycling container?
The following items are not recyclable. Even worse, their presence can seriously disrupt the recycling process. Please take a look to make sure your container does not contain:
Certain Plastics: Plastic bags, like grocery and produce bags, plastic wraps, plastic pouches and air pillows. Grocery plastic bags are accepted at local grocery stores like Tops and Wegmans.
Clothes/Textiles: They wrap around the sorting equipment. Instead donate them through a local clothing drive, drop box or reuse store.
Tanglers: Unwanted cords, ropes, hoses and other tanglers wrap around the sorting equipment. These go in the landfill trash.
Scrap Metals: Copper, steel and brass metals are not recyclable. Only aluminum and tin cans can be recycled.
Yard Trimmings and Brush Waste
From April 1 to October 31 our Buildings and Grounds team collects yard trimmings and brush.
During the nine-week Summer Assembly:
- Collection is daily.
Before or after the nine-week Summer Assembly:
- Mondays: Residents North of Vincent Avenue
- Fridays: Residents South of Vincent Avenue
- If collection day falls on Memorial Day (Monday), Labor Day (Friday before and Monday), collection will be on the next business day.
Your materials must be set out at the curb by 7 a.m. for pickup. Piles must be light enough for one person to lift (we will not collect large debris piles).
What We Will Pick Up
These materials when placed in small piles, separated by like items. Items can also be placed in a paper, not plastic, bag.
- Branches and tree limbs (up to 4 feet in length or 4 inches in diameter)
- Brush pile with small sticks and pruning from trees and bushes.
- Yard trimmings, including:
- Grass clippings and weeds
- Leaves
- Plants (potted plants must be removed from the pot)
- Cut flowers
- Potting soil
Ground up leaves are an important component in our Community Composting Program, which creates nutrient-rich compost for our Gardens and Landscaping team.
What We Will Not Pick Up
- Dirt, rocks, sod, soil
- Lumber landscaping materials
- Mulch: organic or rubber mulch
- Potted materials (plants but not pots are collected; pot must be removed)
- Root balls or tree stumps
Large piles of yard trimming and brush debris created by landscape contractors, which are the contractors’ responsibility to pick up and remove. These materials will only be picked up on yard landscape waste Community Clean-up Days.
Bagged materials in non-paper bag will not be collected.
Community Clean-up Days
Chautauqua Institution holds two Community Clean-up Days for residents.
Our Facilities and Grounds team collects household and landscape waste materials once in the spring and fall. A summary of the collection schedule for our Community Clean-Up Days is here.
Household Waste Community Clean-up Days:
- Spring Clean-up Day: First Wednesday of June
- Fall Clean-up Day: Last Wednesday of August
Yard Trimmings and Brush Waste Community Clean-up Days are between April 1 and October 31.
- Daily pick up during the 2nd full week of the month
Your materials must be set out at the curb by 7 a.m. for pickup. Piles must be light enough for one person to lift; we will not collect large debris piles.
Surrounding towns and villages may host a Community Clean-up Day for their residents. Residents of Chautauqua Institution are not eligible to participate those programs. There are Chautauqua County-sponsored Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off events that Chautauqua Institution residents can participate in. Visit chq.org/landfill/landfill for the required registration form and event details.
Household Waste We Will Pick Up During Community Clean-Up Days
These materials when placed in small piles, separated by like items:
- Household Non-Hazardous Waste
- Landfill waste: see What Can Go In Your Landfill Waste Container? section, light fixtures (no CFL bulbs), small appliances like toaster, toaster oven, mixer
- Household bedding material like box spring, mattress (not sleeper sofa)
- Building material: door, plumbing, sink, toilet
- Metal Materials
- Scrap metal
- Building material: hardware, plumbing
- Wood Products
- Building material
- Chair
Household Waste We Will Not Pick Up During Community Clean-Up Days
Refer to other sections and Local Recycling & Disposal Centers for disposal options. We will not pick up:
- Appliances containing, or that once contained, freon gas (items such as a refrigerator, freezer, air conditioning unit, dehumidifier)
- Brush, leaves and landscape materials
- Construction waste
- Electronics (items like computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines)
- Hazardous materials (items such as anti-freeze, chemicals)
- Recycling materials (see collection schedule)
- Tires
- White Goods (items such as dishwasher, dryer, furnace, water heater, stove, trash compactor, washer)
We will not pick up piles containing any items listed in this section or piles not sorted by like materials.
Yard Trimmings and Brush Waste We Will Pick Up During Community Clean-Up Days
Put materials in small piles, separated by like items. Items can also be placed in a paper bag. In addition to all items listed in the Yard Trimmings and Brush Waste section, we also will pick up:
- Tree limbs (up to six feet in length or four inches in diameter)
- Landscape materials from contracted services: Large piles of yard trimming and brush debris created by landscape contractors.
FYI: Ground up leaves are an important component in our community composting program, which creates nutrient-rich compost for our Campus Operations’ Gardens and Landscaping team.
Yard Trimmings and Brush Waste We Will Not Pick Up During Community Clean-Up Days
In addition to all items listed in the Yard Trimmings and Brush Waste section, we will not collect:
- Dirt, soil, rocks, or sod
- Lumber
- Large root balls or tree stumps
- Rubber mulch — dispose of this as trash
- Potted materials (pot must be removed)
Household Hazardous Waste
Chautauqua County sponsors three Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off events per year.
A completed registration form is required at the time of drop off. For the Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off event registration form and event details visit: chqgov.com/landfill/landfill.
Local Recycling & Disposal Centers
Disposal services and resources outside of Chautauqua Institution and within Chautauqua County include the following options. Fees may be charged, contact the location for details and pricing.
Mayville Landfill Waste and Recycling Center | 716-753-2125 | villageofmayville.com
Waste collection center for Town of Chautauqua and Village of Mayville residents. Waste management rules, regulations and fee schedule is available online at the Mayville Village Clerk’s Office at 1 South Erie Street.
Location: 96 Morris Street in Mayville, NY
Hours: Fridays and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Landfill Waste: Must be in the municipality bag; available for purchase at the center.
Recycling: Must be sorted by type: paper, cardboard, glass, and plastic. No collection fees.
Chautauqua County Landfill | 716-985-4785 | chqgov.com/landfill/landfill
Offers waste collection services.
Casella Waste Service | 716-708-1039
Chautauqua Institution’s contract for landfill waste and recycling disposal is with Casella Waste Service. For details about other services offered, visit local.casella.com.