Chautauqua Piano Program
June 29–August 3, 2024
The Chautauqua Piano Program is a highly selective and dynamic five week program for 20 pianists, ages 18–28. Combining an array of resident and guest faculty with unmatched practice and performance facilities, the program is designed to inspire young pianists from all over the globe. Students will have solo and chamber music performance opportunities, plentiful private lessons, and faculty-led discussions and master classes focused on advanced pianistic growth and building a career path. In 2024, the piano program will also host the SAI Concerto Competition.
A special feature of the Chautauqua Piano experience is the depth of student interaction with each one of our faculty. The program is carefully curated to be more intimate, centering deep conversations and fostering real relationships. Each student will have the time and opportunity to forge connections that will become part of their lifelong music community.
Optional Sixth Week
In 2024, we are excited to offer an optional sixth week opportunity to those enrolled in our Piano Program this summer! We are thrilled to welcome back Sara Davis Buechner, who will be in residence along with Nikki Melville to offer lessons and engage with students who choose to remain. After five weeks of intensive study, lessons, practice, and performance we invite you to stay for an additional week of unstructured practice, with full access to piano facilities, lessons at your discretion, and time to reflect on the experiences of the previous five weeks as you prepare for your year ahead.
Opted-in students will retain their housing, meal plan, and Chautauqua gate pass for this week, with access to Institution programming, such as:
- Old First Night, Chautauqua’s 150th birthday celebration
- Houston Ballet II with the Chautauqua School of Dance
- Chautauqua Lecture Series
Piano students can opt-in and take advantage of this opportunity at zero additional cost.
Applications for the 2024 Chautauqua Piano program are due by Feb. 15. Please submit video recordings of unedited live performances; solo or piano concerto repertoire only.
Cost & General Information
As one of only four official Steinway summer programs, the Chautauqua Summer Festival maintains a first-rate fleet of Steinway grand pianos for practice, lessons, and performance.
2024 Piano Students
We are thrilled to share our piano students for the 2024 summer season.
Guest and resident faculty provide a weekly foundation of lessons, complemented by master classes and performance classes that explore a variety of approaches to music, to pianism, and to interpretation.
Lessons and Master Classes
Resident faculty provide regular lessons and classes, while our series of weekly guests, available to all students, will bring an inspiring mix of fresh and diverse perspectives.
Performance Opportunities
Read about the different opportunities students will have to perform at Chautauqua.
Sigma Alpha Iota Competition
The Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. Competition rotates annually among the three departments, in 2024 the competition will be held within the Piano Program.