George L. Follansbee Jr.
J.D., Senior Philanthropic Adviser to the President
Executive Team
Office of the President
Email: gfollansbee@chq.org
Phone: 716.357.6219
Additional Contact Information
Chautauqua Institution
P.O. Box 28 | One Ames Avenue
Chautauqua, N.Y. 14722
About Geof
I came to work at Chautauqua in 2004 as the chief executive officer of the Chautauqua Foundation and as the vice president of development for Chautauqua Institution. Sixteen years later, I gave up my role at the Foundation to lead the advancement program of the Institution as senior vice president and chief advancement officer. In the latter role, I was responsible for the talented team that works with our philanthropic donor community to support the mission of the Institution. We build relationships with members of the community to assist them in fulfilling their ambitions for Chautauqua. It is incredibly rewarding to see how the community has responded to revitalize facilities, provide scholarships to young artists to study here, and bring the best thought leaders to our platform. Gift by gift, our donors ensure Chautauqua flourishes. As the Senior Philanthropic Adviser to the President, I continue working closely with Chautauqua’s donors and President Michael Hill to advance the Institution’s fundraising priorities as expressed in Boundless, A Campaign for Chautauqua.
Before coming to the Institution, I practiced law for nine years. For two years, I served as the assistant dean of development at William & Mary Law School. I served ten years as director of development, and then as assistant head for development at the Williston Northampton School in Easthampton, Massachusetts. I came to the Institution after serving three years as the assistant dean for development at the University of Michigan Law School.
Why did you choose to work at Chautauqua? What do you like about working at Chautauqua?
Chautauqua has been a part of my life since I was 6 months old. The opportunity after more than fifty years of passionate engagement to be a part of shaping and securing the Institution’s future was irresistible.
Current and Former Volunteer or Board Roles
- Current director and Officer – African American Heritage House (AAHH)
- Past director – The Chautauqua Foundation
- Past trustee – Chautauqua Institution
- Past chair – Chautauqua County Planning Board
- Past director – Chautauqua County Youth Orchestra
Personal Interests
Passionate fan of the Pittsburgh Pirates and Pittsburgh Steelers; love golf; follower of current events and politics