Jonathan David Schmitz
Archivist and Historian
Education — Programming
Email: jschmitz@chq.org
Phone: 716.357.6332
Additional Contact Information
Chautauqua Institution
P.O. Box 28 | One Ames Avenue
Chautauqua, N.Y. 14722
About Jon
I am the archivist and historian for the Chautauqua Institution. Most of my time is spent collecting and processing records relating to Chautauqua’s history, doing research, assisting researchers and staff, and making presentations. I am a member of the Academy of Certified Archivists. I have a master’s degree in diplomatic history and have passed my doctoral comprehensive exams in international relations, modern American history, and the methods, methodology and philosophy of history.
Before coming to Chautauqua, I was the director of the Record Management and Archives department of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. I also taught records management, archives and preservation at George Brown College in Toronto. Before that, I was a medical inspector for the College of Physicians and Surgeons Medical Review Committee. I served as the chair of the Health Archivists Interest Group of the Archives Association of Ontario and was the archives education director for the Toronto area. I held a number of jobs during my undergraduate and graduate studies, including working as a caretaker and groundskeeper, parking attendant, bartender, housepainter, private tutor, and teaching assistant and research assistant at the Center for International Studies, University of Toronto.
Why did you choose to work at Chautauqua? What do you like about working at Chautauqua?
The area, the people and the history of the place.
Current and Former Volunteer or Board Roles
I have been a member of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul since 1991, including running a weekly lunch program for street people for 10 years and a catechist since 2003. I also served as the president of the Chautauqua Catholic Community and on the Board of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Toronto.
Professional Affiliations
I am a member of the Academy of Certified Archivists, the Society of American Archivists, and the American Association for State and Local History.